Albeit by chopper, cruiser or scrambler or on trial – Saxony’s charming landscapes invite to go on a motorbike ride in any season. Roam the Ore Mountains on lonely tracks through forests where you hardly meet anyone or ride up to Augustusburg Castle for the Winter Convention of the bikers’ community
Augustusburg Castle (A)
Augustusburg Castle accommodates the most important motorbike collection in Europe and the world’s most extensive DKW and MZ exhibition.The castle becomes the ultimate bikers’ Mecca every year in January when the traditional »Winter Convention« of the bikers’ community is held. Almost 1,500 bikers and around 12,000 motorbike enthusiasts come together then to talk about motorbikes or to visit the large aftermarket and see the many product presentations. Live music and delicious food eventually make the evening complete.The Coach Museum at Augustusburg Castle exhibits Landauers and stately stage coaches from the 18th and 19th centuries.The Museum for Hunting and Ornithology shows 120 species of animals, remembering Augustusburg Castle’s earlier use as a hunting castle. You can watch flight displays of eagles and other birds of prey at the eagle and hawk sanctuary.
Details on Augustusburg Castle
Further to Station B – Wildeck Castle, about 12 km

Wildeck Castle (B)
At this castle, too, bikers’ eyes will shine with delight since many two-wheeled treasures from the DKW and MZ motorbike works can be admired there today. The impressive history of motorbike design and production and of the motorbike town of Zschopau, which used to be home of the MZ Works, the largest motorbike manufacturer worldwide, is vividly demonstrated to the visitor in a multi-media exhibition.The fortification from the 12th century watched over the ford across the Zschopau River day and night making the town of the same name a haven for merchants. Also, the silver mined in the Ore Mountains set out on its way from here to the treasure chambers in Europe. The castle that was converted into a hunting castle in the 16th century, also accommodates a mint as well as a fascinating collection of minerals.